December/February 2023 |
Occupation Right Agreements |
version |
Residential Land Withholding Tax When and who pays it? |
Protected Disclosures (Protection of Whistleblowers) Bill |
Changes to the Fair Trading Act |
to act under the Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988 |
Further thoughts on workplace bullying |
Executors and trustees of a will |
124 Queen Street, Hastings
126 Queen Street, Hastings |
September/November 2022 |
Changes to First Home products |
version |
Epidemic Preparedness Notice for commercial leases
and mortgages |
A brief summary of the Fair Pay Agreements Bill |
Family Protection Act claims
Attribution vs market salary rules |
Trees under Emissions Trading Scheme |
Seller/agent slip-ups |
124 Queen Street, Hastings
126 Queen Street, Hastings |
June/August 2022 |
Rollover relief to the brightline rule
version |
Overview of the Official Information Act 1982 |
Guarantees Discussing anti-discharge clauses |
A review of cross-lease issues |
Climate change litigation a visable legal remedy |
Power of attorney medical certificates
Maintenance agreements |
Queen Street, Hastings |
Queen Street, Hastings |
March/May 2022 |
Lawyer opportunity |
version |
Commercial contracts and climate
change: Time to think differently |
Overview of the End of Life Choice
Act 2019 |
is a testamentary guardian
and what they can/cant do |
of new drug testing at
festivals law |
guidance on discretionary payments under the Holidays Act 2003 |
future of smoking in New Zealand |
Changes for birth certificates |
Queen Street, Hastings |
Queen Street, Hastings |
December/February 2022 |
Covid-19 vaccine/regulations - employer and
employee rights |
version |
Taxes on utes rules |
Overview of the Wills Act
Trusts: when is a loan really a distribution? |
Trial vs. probationary periods - what is the
difference? |
Tenants in common: when one wants to sell |
Family Protection Act - claims and dates |
124 Queen Street, Hastings |
126 Queen Street, Hastings |
September/November 2021 |
New purchase price allocation rules |
version |
Enduring Power of Attorneys A brief guide |
Modifying or extinguishing restrictive covenants |
Smart watches for our kids How safe are they? |
Personal grievances A brief overview |
When rural farm debt requires solutions |
Three Waters debate |
124 Queen Street East, Hastings |
126 Queen Street East, Hastings |
June/August 2021 |
Recent change to the bright-line test |
version |
Proposed changes to hate crime and hate speech
laws |
A guide to KiwiSaver withdrawals and First Home
Grants |
Changes to tax deductibility on interest expenses |
Copyright and content sourcing online where do
you stand? |
NZ / Australia travel bubble requirements |
Removal of incapacitated trustees |
2021 |
Changes to the Privacy Act |
version |
harassment: where and how to get help |
Virtually witnessed documents are they valid? |
Changes to sick leave entitlements |
Insiders guide to the Disputes Tribunal |
when buying a used car |
Leaving chattels under a will |
124 Queen Street East, Hastings |
126 Queen Street East, Hastings |
December/February 2021 |
124 Queen Street East, Hastings |
version |
Changes to building
consents |
The Dog Control Act 1996
explained |
What does Restraint of
Trade mean? |
Employment changes in
regards to working from home |
Relationship Property and
the necessity of full disclosure |
Does the vendor have to
remove rubbish? |
What is a testamentary
guardian? |
September/November 2020 |
Overview of COVID-19 Public Health Response Act |
version |
Difference between Contracting Out & Relationship
Property Agreements |
Paper roads explained |
Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill and
terminating a tenancy |
Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 key points |
Importance of a Pre-Settlement Inspection |
Can an activated EPA vote for the Donor? |
June/August 2020 |
Mortgage free holiday overview |
version |
Access issues - commercial leases during COVID-19
lockdown |
Employment rights for ACC claims: both sides of
the coin |
Overview of the redundancy process |
Overview of Trusts Act 2019 |
Open space covenants |
Residential tenancy requirements revisited |
2020 |
Overview of Residential Tenancies Amendment Act
2019 |
version |
Points of interest on drug and alcohol testing in
the workplace |
What is a Calderbank offer, and when it should be
used? |
How do you enforce land covenants when a neighbour
is in breach? |
Importance of insurance in a natural disaster |
General consequence when bankruptcy is declared |
Statutory entitlement for sick leave |
2020 |
Types of trusts and their benefits |
version |
Purchasing a property at auction what you need
to know |
Bringing the Adoption Act into modern times |
Further change to gun laws |
What rights do beneficiaries of a discretionary
trust have? |
The role of the executor |
The new Trust Act 2019 |
September/November 2019 |
Anti-money laundering overview |
version |
What to know when building a house with a building
company |
Overview of the new gun law changes |
Sole Trader and Limited Liability Company
liability compared |
Caveats Explained |
How many directors need to sign? |
of insurance in buying a home |
June/August 2019 |
Rental property standards |
version |
The importance of Wills and Enduring Powers of
Attorney |
Under what circumstances should you form a Trust |
An overview of mortgagee sales |
An overview of Domestic Violence Leave |
What is the purpose of a LIM report? |
When can you access your KiwiSaver? |
March/May 2019 |
Meth contaminated properties |
version |
Hague Convention |
Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act
1988 (PPPR) |
Sexual harassment in the workplace what to do? |
Different way titles are held Crosslease, fee
simple, stratum in freehold, leasehold |
How can you requisition a title? |
Why do we pay rates? |
December/February 2019 |
First home buyers The
process of buying and what to look out for |
version |
Rural Leases |
How to give Notice to
Your Tenant and What You can do if a Tenant is No Longer Paying Rent |
Wills What does having
a Will mean and what happens when people die without one |
Relationship Property |
Unpaid Rates lead to Sale
of Property |
When You may have to Pay
Tax selling a Property |
2018 |
Commercial leases what to look out for |
version |
Employment agreements from an employer perspective
make sure your employment agreements, and their clauses, stand up
against the law |
Personal Grievances What needs to be considered
when raising a PG |
Terms of trade |
Major Transactions - Your obligations as a
Director and Trustee |
Changes to the Food Act |
What the fence? |
June/August 2018 |
Agreement versus Tenancy Agreement What is the difference? |
version |
Cross-leases What are
they and what implications do they have? |
Disputes Resolution
Series: Negotiation How can it help you? |
Subdividing Land What
to Expect |
A Review of Labours 100
Day Plan |
Residential Land
Withholding Tax What is it and does it apply to you? |
Proposed Bright-line
Amendments |
March/May 2018 |
Changing Immigration Policies The Result |
version |
The new Anti-Money Laundering and Countering
Financing of Terrorism laws |
Alternative Dispute Resolution Series: Arbitration
- How can it assist you? |
An introduction to shareholders' agreement - Why
are they important? |
Proposed changes to the Employment Relations Act
2000 What you need to be aware of |
Who Pays the Rates? Selling a Property |
Inheritance Is it separate property? |
December/February 2018 |
Employees What are we
allowed? |
version |
Alternative Dispute
Resolution Series: How It can help You - Mediation in Employment
Disputes |
Law Update: Trading on
Easter Sunday |
Reforms in Trust Law
what it means for your trust |
How the Residential Care
Subsidy can affect your Asset Planning What you need to know? |
Trading hours over
Christmas |
Wacky Christmas Laws and
Practises |
2017 |
Cloud Storage |
version |
The Corporate Veil |
Domestic Violence Victims Protection Bill |
Why is competition law important? NZME and
Fairfax media merger case |
Personal Lending Guarantees Enforceability |
The Ruck a Lawyers analysis of the rules of
rugbys ruck. |
Quirky Commonwealth Laws |
June/August 2017 |
Brexit, Political Power and the Role of the Courts |
version |
Enduring Powers of Attorney Recent Changes |
The Harmful Digital Communications Act
Cyberbullies Beware |
Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 Happy First
Birthday |
Auction Preparation |
Default Interest |
Trusts - A Brief Summary |
March/May 2017 |
The Bright-line Test |
version |
The Human Tissues Act |
I have been named an executor of a will, what do I
do now? |
Reckless Trading |
Small Passenger Services Review |
Queen's Chain |
The Ombudsman |
December/February 2017 |
Intellectual Property Licensing |
version |
Plant Variety Rights |
Best vs Reasonable Endeavours |
Sharemilking Agreements |
Going to Court Checklist |
Building a Boundary Fence |
Strange and Wonderful Land Covenants |
October/November 2016 |
Eureka! Now What? |
version |
Secrecy Agreements |
What goes on in a
property transaction? |
The legal results of a
market decline |
Brexit A comparison
with the NZ China FTA |
Snippets |
Net Migration |
Click Agree Agreements |
June/August 2016 |
Flat mate or de facto partner? |
version |
Buildings and warrants of fitness |
The ins and outs of a restraint of trade clause |
Citizens arrest: An overview? |
Buying goods subject to security the ordinary
course of business exemption |
Property Purchase Meth testing |
Reform Health & Safety at Work Act 2015
March/May 2016 |
The Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill A look
at the changes for landlords and tenants |
version |
Gift vouchers What happens if the company goes
into receivership? |
The Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 In force
from 4 April 2016 |
How well do you know your lease? |
Maori Land How Succession of Maori Land works |
Updated agreement for sale and purchase of real
estate |
Buying a vehicle is there money owing? |
December/February 2016 |
Selling a business - things to consider |
version |
Trusts and relationship property - what does
Clayton v Clayton mean for me? |
Tax changes for settlements and the proposed
"bright-line" test |
Modernising Child, Youth and Family Services -
Interim Report |
How to obtain a Limited Licence |
Alcohol control |
Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement update |
September/November 2015 |
Residential Land Transactions |
version |
Passing away without a Will - what happens to your Estate? |
support |
Changes to the Companies Act 1993 |
Bullying - on its way out? |
Carta - 800 years on |
Building contracts & Retention sums |
Building your new home - why include a sunset clause? |
June/August 2015 |
For traders what are your obligations when
selling goods online? |
version |
Property sales disclosure |
The Family Court reforms one year on |
Speak no evil non-disparagement provisions in
employment settlement agreements |
Bains latest battle: the quest for compensation |
Building Amendment Act 2013 update |
Should you pay a deposit? |
March/May 2015 |
life and private life implications of social media |
version |
law: trustees duties are you at risk? |
Becoming a permanent resident in New Zealand |
Supreme Court 10 years on |
The US
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act an overview |
Zealands extradition laws Law Commission review |
Traffic law - can you bike home from the pub? |
December/February 2015 |
Neighbour law part 2: Nuisance and trespass,
issues with animals, noises & smells |
version |
The disciplinary meeting as part of a sound
process |
For companies an overview of voluntary
administration, receivership and liquidation |
Greenpeace NZ Supreme Court decision |
What is a General Security Agreement? |
Fixture or chattel - why should I care? |
Attorneys under enduring powers of attorney what
is your role? |
September/November 2014 |
Employment investigations - running a sound
process |
version |
Neighbour law part 1 - love thy neighbour |
Protecting your trading name |
Sports law - criminalising match-fixing in New
Zealand |
Judicial review - the Lucan Battison case
What is a certificate of acceptance? |
Psychoactive Substances Act - amendment |
June/August 2014 |
Consumer Law reform - what does it mean for you? |
version |
Selling and buying goods internationally |
Ensuring it's a first house and not a P house |
Changes to the Fencing of Swimming Pools Act 1987 |
Executors & Trustees - roles & responsibilities |
The Harmful Digital Communications Bill |
Trust Busting - case update |
March/May 2014 |
Your duty of disclosure
to your insurer |
version |
Makeover for trust law
proposed |
Health and safety reform
on the horizon |
Review of burial and
cremation laws |
A new Incorporated
Societies Act |
Redundancy pitfalls for
employers |
Update - the Emissions
Trading Scheme |
Daniel Scannell Guitar Tuition |
December/February 2014 |
DIY And The Law |
version |
Extended Warranties And
The Consumer Guarantees Act: |
Construction Contracts
Amendment Bill |
The America's Cup:
Battles Off The Water |
Challenging The Terms Of
A Will |
Canceling A Conditional
Contract |
Protect Your Position As
Supplier - Is Your Product At Risk? |
September/November 2013 |
Big Brother Is Watching - Intelligence
Developments |
version |
Going Into Business - An Overview Of Why You Need
A Shareholder Agreement |
The Employment Relations Amendment Bill |
Estate Planning - Residential Care Loans |
Relocation Outside Of New Zealand |
Is Your Will Valid? Don't Get Caught Out |
Royal Pardon |
June/August 2013 |
Homeowner Beware! |
version |
Law Commission Review Of The News media |
Leases |
Relationship Property After Death |
Food Standards |
Psychoactive Substances Bill |
Trustee vs Executor |
March/May 2013 |
Drug Testing In The
Workplace |
version |
Council Liability For
Leaky Buildings |
Guarantees |
Alternative Dispute
Resolution |
For Richer, For Poorer -
Contracting Out Of The Property Relationship Act 1976 |
Proposed Introduction of
Starting Out Wage |
Maori Wardens |
December/February 2013 |
Electronic Identity Verification Bill |
version |
Commercial Leases - Rights of Renewal |
Personal Property Securities Register and Terms of
Trade |
ADLS Building Report Clause 9.3 |
Water - Use and Consents |
Olympic Litigants - London 2012 |
Lawyers v Conveyancers |
September/November 2012 |
Employment Law Update |
version |
Enduring Powers Of Attorney |
The Accident Compensation Corporation |
Vendor Warranties And Real Estate |
The Rise Of Look Through Companies |
Solicitor v Barrister |
The Big Squash |
June/August 2012 |
Changes To Credit Laws |
version |
Defamation |
Abolishment Of Gift Duty And Impact On Trusts |
The Dark Side Of Mortgagee Sales |
Joint Tenants vs Tenants In Common |
Changes To Building Laws |
Marriages And Name Changes |
March/May 2012 |
Bill Introduced To Prevent Foreign Abuse Of New
Zealand Company Laws |
version |
Cyber-Bullying |
Changes To Road & Driving Laws |
Financial Markets Authority |
The International Education Market |
Licence To Marry |
Paid Sleep-Overs |
December/February 2012 |
Counterfeit and Illegal Goods |
version |
Christchurch Earthquake To Trigger Changes To
Resource Management Act 1991 |
Frustrated Contacts |
Child Support Changes |
Buying And Selling A Unit Title Property |
The "Gift Of Life" |
What Is Relationship Property Valued Following
Separation? |
September/November 2011 |
Protecting Your Intellectual Property From Trading
Risks |
version |
Alcohol Reform Bill |
Crimes Amendment Bill No. 2 - Protection of
Children |
The Unit Titles Act 2010 |
The Coroners Court |
Supreme Court Goes Live |
Weddings and Wills |
June/August 2011 |
In a Seashell: The Marine and Coastal Area
(Takutai Moana) Act 2011 |
version |
Sleeping on the Job |
Consumer Law Update |
Copyright (Infringing File Sharing) Amendment Bill |
Changes to Manage Legal Aid Spending |
Employment Law Update |
A King or a Queen - The Law of Succession |
February/April 2011 |
Creating a Culture of Charitable Giving |
version |
Off the Richter |
Changes to the Employment Relations Act |
Gift Duty to be Abolished |
Your Rights: Consumer Guarantees Act |
Changes to the Holiday Act |
Email Disclaimers |
November/January 2011 |
90 Day Trial Periods - Employers Beware |
version |
Directors Right to Rely on Specialist Advice |
Alcohol Law Reform Package |
Company Rules to be Tightened |
Wills and Property Ownership - Things you need to
know |
DNA Collection |
Government Response to Canterbury Earthquake |
August/October 2010 |
Paths, Terrain and
Automobiles - What is Reasonable Access to Land? |
version |
Director's Duties |
Police Safety Orders |
Animal Welfare Bill |
Emissions Trading Scheme
in the Agricultural Sector |
The Importance of a
Current Will |
Big Brother may be
Watching you! |
May/July 2010 |
Restructuring: The Three D's |
version |
Three Strikes Law |
Shake Up for Legal Aid |
Mediation |
No Code Compliance Certificate |
The Case of the Nude
Cyclist |
Unfair Parking Ticket? |
February/April 2010 |
Employment Update |
version |
Family Court - Early Intervention |
Franchise Agreements |
Real Estate Agents Act 2008 |
Trust Beneficiaries' Rights |
Court Ordered Mediation |
Twittering in Court |
November/January 2010 |
The New REINZ Plain English Sale and Purchase
Agreement |
version |
The Partial Defence of Provocation |
Unit Titles Law Change Updated |
Trustee Duties |
Changes to the District Court Rules |
Hand-Held Cell Phone Ban for Vehicle Drivers |
Maori Land - Current Issues |